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DNA Articles and Presentations

This DNA page lists many DNA presentations that include what DNA is and how it works, how to analyze your DNA results, and other very useful articles,  presentations, and reference charts and diagrams.  
DNA Articles by Lee Macklin
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DNA Ethnicity Estimations
Describes the two-step process used by DNA testing companies to determine where your ancestors came from. Discusses the importance of Reference Panels, group probabilities, and DNA segment comparisons.
AncestryDNA - Initial Steps
Describes the important steps you need to do when taking the AncestryDNA test to get the most information from your DNA results.
DNA Presentations by Lee Macklin
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AncestryDNA's ThruLines
ThruLines is a wonderful app that integrates your DNA results with tree views that show exactly how your DNA matches are related to you. It is a great way to discover new ancestors to fill in your tree. You can see if DNA supports the positions of people in your tree and it can help solve adoptions and half-cousin situations. 
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Cousins Genealogy + DNA
This presentation defines and analyzes the different types of cousin relationships. It describes in detail the two most important concepts: Common Ancestors and Degrees of Separation. It defines the amount of DNA you share with each type of cousin relationship: Full Cousins, Half-Cousins, Removed Cousins, and Double Cousins
Analyzing Your AncestryDNA Results
This presentation describes in detail how to interpret your AncestryDNA results. It presents the key concepts, then uses actual examples to illustrate each of the important steps to get the most out of your test results. Shows how to combine your genealogy work with DNA to get the best results. Provides charts showing the amounts of DNA you share with each type of relative. Describes all the main features that AncestryDNA apps offer. 
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DNA - The Basics of Life
Exactly what is DNA?  Where does it come from? How much do we share we all other humans? How does our body carry out its DNA instructions? What makes us different? What is the Human Genome?  What is a Gene? How are Chromosomes related to DNA? How is our sex determined? 
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DNA Misconceptions   
by Kelli 
Sometimes our misconceptions can lead us astray!  To make accurate conclusions about the genetic relationships to our matches, we need to make sure we set aside confirmation bias and our assumptions. Kelli discusses many of the key misconceptions and provides links to detailed answers.
Links to DNA Resources on the Internet
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