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  SVCGR Online Membership Form

If this is a family membership and either the husband or spouse/partner is a German from Russia, then the Primary Member is the one with the German from Russia ancestors (also check the GR Heritage box).  Check the AHSGR and GRHS boxes if your are currently a member of either (or both) of these national organizations

If you are already a member of another AHSGR or GRHS chapter, or AHSGR or GRHS Headquarters team, then select your existing organization from the Affiliated Organization dropdown box. Otherwise leave this blank.

If you click in any date field, first click on the year, scroll to your year and click it, then select the month using the left and right arrows, last click on the day.

Fields with an asterisk are Mandatory
Primary Member
GR Heritage

Member Of

(Your Primary Organization if it is not Sacramento Valley Chapter)
Paying SVCGR Chapter Dues?
Spouse GR Heritage
Ancestral Research
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